For instance:
1. create a group that contains only your nagios host
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name localhost-monitor-hosts
members mynagiosserver
2. create the service:
define service {
hostgroup_name unix-hosts,!localhost-monitor-hosts
use critical-service
service_description check_disk
check_command check_nrpe!check_disk!80!85
check_freshness 1
register 1
This will check all hosts in the unix-hosts group, excluding any in localhost-monitor-hosts. You can obviously create multiple groups, each with a different purpose.
Note, you can also define a service with more than one host, and exclude hosts that way:
define service {
host_name www1, www2, !www3
use generic-service
service_description check_ping
check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%
but I find that more taxing, as you have to maintain the host_name... which is kind ignoring the whole point of groups.