Anyway, the console port did not appear to be a standard pinout. I opened the RJ45 to DB9 connector they provided, and discovered it has this pinout:
Pin 1 | Pin 2 | Pin 3 | Pin 4 | Pin 5 | Pin 6 | Pin 7 | Pin 8 | Pin 9 |
x | black | yellow | brown | red (+green) | orange | white | blue | x |
This is the same as the pinout as I used for the type "A" RJ45-DB9 connector in this article: here.
From my testing, you simply need to make two of the type "A" adapters I mentioned in the linked post, attach a cat5 cable to both ends, and you should be able to connect to the serial port. The Linksys uses 38400 baud - unlike the usual 9600.
I have a question regarding the Linksys/Cisco Console cable.
I have one of this cables (from a Cisco router). I'm trying to connect to the console in a Linksys SRW2048 switch.Here are the steps:
1. I connected the DB9 end on the back of the Switch
2. At the RJ45 end, i had to make get a RJ45 to DB9 adapter (one end looks like a std RJ45 connection, there other is a DB(Female).
3. The adapater need to have the pinout connected, so essentially i did:
1 <=> 1
2 <=> 2
2 <=> 2
3 <=> 3
4 <=> 4
5 <=> 5
6 <=> 6
7 <=> 7
8 <=> 8
remembering the cisco cable already has the "twist" on it.
4. using putty, I applied,
Speed = 38400
Data bit = 8
Stop Bit = 1
Parity = None
Flow Control = None
When I try to connect i see nothing
any ideas?
Ian Salgado
Interesting question. I haven't touched a linksys in a while. It's really configured for 38400 baud and not 9600?
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