Tuesday, January 20, 2015

RedHat/CentOS error: connection activation failed: connection 'x' is not available on the device y

You'll see this error using nmcli if you try to bring up a connection in the nmcli that references a NIC that is disconnected/unplugged - either unplugged from a baremetal server or disconnected in VMware. Here are some examples of what it might look like:

connection activation failed: connection 'ethernet' is not available on the device ens32

connection activation failed: connection 'eth0' is not available on the device ens192


The fix is really as simple as connecting the cable or re-enabling the NIC in VMware and running the nmcli command again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a similar problem a few moments ago and I'd actually just forgot to set DHCP to static in the ifcfg. DOH!